Emergency ( 911 )

A.R.E.A Services provides ALS and BLS Emergency ( 911 ) Response to the residents and businesses of Northmberland, Columbia and surrounding counties.
ALS Emergencies are handled with a MICU ( Mobile Intensive Care Unit ), which consists of at least 1 Paramedic and 1 EMT or ALS Squad (Medic 99) which is staffed by a minimum of 1 Paramedic.
Some examples of ALS Emergencies are:
* Chest Pain
* Cardiac Arrest
* Respiratory Distress
* Anaphylactic Reaction
* Major Trauma
Each ALS Unit is equipped with the following:
* Lifepak 15 cardiac monitor with Transmit Capabilities
* VividTrac Video Intubation
* Glucose Monitoring
* Etc.
BLS Emergencies are handled with an Ambulance staffed by a minimum of 2 Emergency Medical Technicians. BLS Ambulances handle a host of Emergencies up to the point where patient care requires Advanced Interventions or Medical Treatment requiring a Paramedic or higher skilled provider.
Services are provided out of 3 Stations, staffed 24/7 by our State Certified Emergency Medical Providers.
ALS Emergencies are handled with a MICU ( Mobile Intensive Care Unit ), which consists of at least 1 Paramedic and 1 EMT or ALS Squad (Medic 99) which is staffed by a minimum of 1 Paramedic.
Some examples of ALS Emergencies are:
* Chest Pain
* Cardiac Arrest
* Respiratory Distress
* Anaphylactic Reaction
* Major Trauma
Each ALS Unit is equipped with the following:
* Lifepak 15 cardiac monitor with Transmit Capabilities
* VividTrac Video Intubation
* Glucose Monitoring
* Etc.
BLS Emergencies are handled with an Ambulance staffed by a minimum of 2 Emergency Medical Technicians. BLS Ambulances handle a host of Emergencies up to the point where patient care requires Advanced Interventions or Medical Treatment requiring a Paramedic or higher skilled provider.
Services are provided out of 3 Stations, staffed 24/7 by our State Certified Emergency Medical Providers.